The Bleakest Job. The Bleak Job Award Committee consisting of Mr. And afterward, graduates will face one of the bleakest job markets in history.

This spring's college graduates are facing one of the bleakest job markets in at least two decades, despite the upturn in the economy, according to college placement officers and Government analysts. I see people of all ages begging on the streets. Eustace Tilley, have after due deliberation awarded this year's prize to Mr.
BOULDER, Colo. — Students graduating from college this semester and hoping to enter the workforce may have to wait.
By the very definition of the job title, a firefighter is someone who is not afraid to put his life on the line for others.
Announcing the winners of the prize symposium. Here's how some are faring By Ashleigh Panoo. They face a lot of uncertainty and one of the bleakest job markets in U.