Stick To Hogs. If you shoot it then wait up to two minutes, you are wasting your time. It is usually bent at the midpoint so that it hangs level when in use.

Here is a quick video of me and my brother loading up two hogs to take to the butcher. If you want to catch a boar using nuts, be sure to leave them out for a few days. Whatever your choice of weapon when taking on a wild hog, there are a few things to understand about the troublesome, but oh so tasty, beasts.
Calm animals will be easier to guide than agitated animals..
There would be sheet metal laid out in front of the hot water barrel.
Anything less simply won't cut it. Leading your hogs to slaughter isn't as difficult as you might think. Boar Dynamite is another best way to attract hogs trick you can use to your advantage for bringing hogs in your line of fire or within your firing range.