Poise. To hang in equilibrium; to be balanced or suspended; hence, to be in suspense or New thesaurus. poise — (Del fr. poise, y este de J. Translation of poise - English-Russian dictionary.

Poise definition: If someone has poise , they are calm , dignified , and self-controlled. Poise may mean: Poise (unit), a measure of viscosity. If you're calm while singing the national anthem in front of thirty million people, you've got a lot of poise.
People with poise can handle pressure without showing it.
It can refer to a person who is elegant and graceful.
Translation of poise - English-Russian dictionary. Poise may mean: Poise (unit), a measure of viscosity. To hang in equilibrium; to be balanced or suspended; hence, to be in suspense or New thesaurus. poise — (Del fr. poise, y este de J.