Cats And Courtesans. It appears that the cats of this originate to conceive superior sculptor - versatile sturdy physique liking for a sleek caryatid. Though courtesans are almost all women, male courtesans are not unknown.

Tank Cat is one of the Normal Cats and the second cat the player obtains as a unit. Usugumo was a famous courtesan who lived in the House of Miura, a bordello in Yoshiwara. See a recent post on Tumblr from @viktor-sbor about courtesans.
Courtesan, in modern usage, is a euphemism for a prostitute, particularly one with wealthy, powerful, or influential clients.
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See a recent post on Tumblr from @viktor-sbor about courtesans. A long fought victory against my weaknesses with environment art, I started this in my mentorship with the lovely Todd Lockwood back in December last year, it's taken me this. Collect, upgrade and combine spare parts to assemble the best combat robot.